How to use MOHR as a clinical user?

Getting started with the MOHR platform is easy, once you receive an activation email follow the steps below to get started.

Click the button in the email to get started on registering your account. 

If the button above does not work, copy the below link into your browser.

From here you will be asked to complete your registration form, enter in your details in the required fields and click save.

What is the clinical portal?

This is your Administration Portal within the My Occ Health Record platform.

The portal hosts all the booking requests assigned to you by a clinical admin user within your practice. The portal is split into 4 main tabs.

  • Pending Bookings includes all of the assigned assessment requests to you.
  • Confirmed Bookings holds the pending assessments that are awaiting to be finalised.
  • Completed Bookings items are the completed assessments that you have conducted. 
  • Recent Notes that are applicable to the bookings saved to your profile.

Tip: if you have an onsite diary you will also have an Onsite Bookings tab. This will show a diary of the schedules created where assessments have been booked.