How can I track and view the progress of an assessment?

The Pre-Employments progress tracking tab contains two windows; Attention required and Pre-Employments progress tracking.

You can view all current Pre-Employment requests and where they currently stand and separated into the columns below.

The Attention required window prompts users to bring their attention to the candidates that have either withdrawn, DNA'd their appointment or were rejected by a provider and may require to be requested to a different provider to be completed.

The Pre Employments progress tracking tab allows users to track candidate requests, those you either requested yourself or those you may have site access to view. When you need to quickly view the status of a request, hover over the "status" icon to view the stage of the assessment.

Each window contains the below columns:

  • Date requested - Shows the date the assessment request was made.
  • Candidate - Candidate’s full name.
  •  Appointments - The appointment type (e.g. physio/doctor), date and time.
  • Additional Info - Hovering over the info icon will show the time requested, job type, business unit/division/site, who it was booked by and the physio assessment location.
  • Status – Hovering over the status shown will list a history of the steps taken to date. - Notes/documents – Click on the plus icon to view notes/documents.
  • Actions – You can resend an employee questionnaire or download an interim report.