How do I schedule an appointment as a Provider?

Once a request has been sent to you by a company/client, it will sit within the Action Required tab, in the Pending Bookings table.

  1. Click the ‘Schedule’ icon to open the appointment booking window. This shows the candidate/employee details, any preferred dates/times they may have specified, required appointments and details on the specific components required at each appointment. 
  2. For each required appointment, you will need to enter details for all required fields marked with an asterisk. An assessment is typically made up of some physical appointments (face to face) and some non-physical appointments (virtual/online review).

Physical appointments will require a date, time and location to be set; non-physical appointments will not. 

You can schedule a booking to three different user types:
1. User - A specific user set up in your provider e.g. an in-house Occ Phys Dr Jones

2. Role - Any user set up in your provider with a specific role e.g. Nurse, Doctor, Physio

3. Sub-contractor - Any clinic set up in your provider network e.g. ABC Physio, GP123

3. Once all appointment details have been entered, click the ‘save’ button to schedule the appointment.

You can schedule one appointment at a time if multiple appointments are required, however, the candidate/employee will not move to the "Confirmed Bookings" tab until all appointments have been scheduled.