MOHR is ISO 27001 certified. ISO 27001 is the international standard for information security. It sets out the specification for an effective Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) and MOHR is audited against those standards every year. Our clients can have full trust and confidence that we are a best-practice organisation, and our systems are built at the highest level possible.
Our cloud-based solution is housed by Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS, as most are aware, are among the Gold Standard providers in the cloud computing space. AWS provides significant security at all levels of the cloud. As for your data in the cloud, it is encrypted both at rest and in transit (a fancy phrase that means that we use encryption even when we are sending data from the app to the cloud, and then once in the cloud it is encrypted again).
MOHR also offers the ability for clients to customise roles and permissions allowing you to choose who sees your data.
Data security and privacy have been built in from the very start of MOHR – Safely storing employee health data is in our DNA.