Administration Portal - What Are Organisation Units?

Organisation units are where you can create an org tree to categorise business units, workers, and locations.

You can arrange your organisation units as you see fit. When creating your organisation units, it is worth considering:

  • Billing and invoicing – Make it easy to allocate costs to the right place.
  • Business units – Group diverse business units separately.
  • Job types – Separate into divisions with differing sub-sets of job types.
  • Physical locations – Improve reporting by separating different locations.
  • Users and access levels – Structure organisation units easily create users with accurate and meaningful access levels. 

How to create a root unit within the Organisation Units tab

First, navigate to the 'Organisation units' tab, then click 'Add Root Unit'

You will then need to name the unit and then click the ‘create’ button.

How to create, edit or archive sub-units

First, you will need to right click on the screen under the org unit section

When adding a subunit ensure you title it correctly. If required, you can also allocate the subunit as a physical location.

How to edit the unit/sub-unit name

If you need to edit the unit/sub-units name right hand-click on the page and click the ‘edit’ button. Update the title and click ‘save’.

How to archive an organisational unit/sub-unit. 

If you need to archive the unit/sub-units right hand click on the page and click the ‘archive’ button.

The below message will ask you if you are sure you want to archive, if yes click the ‘yes’ button.

How to add members to units

First click the ‘add member’ button

You will be shown the list of members created and if any have already been linked to this unit. You can search for members in the search field shown below, when you’ve found the required member click the ‘add’ button.

You must be mindful of which users are being aligned to each org and sub unit. You want to make sure you are adding the correct client user to the right org unit. Otherwise the user may see data they are not permitted to see.

How to Unlink members from units

As highlighted below, you can unlink members by clicking the red button below

You will be prompted with the below message to ensure you want to unlink this member. Click the ‘yes’ button if correct, if not click the ‘cancel’ button.