What is the completed tab for providers?

Completed bookings

The completed bookings tab shows you all of the assessments that have been finalised, cancelled or withdrawn.

This tab contains a table which shows you:

  • Date an assessment was requested by the company
  • Date completed in full
  • Onsite/offsite
  • Company Name
  • Name of candidate/employee
  • Assessment type (Module)
  • Status of assessment
  • Notes associated with the booking
  • Ability to view the booking details (which clinic/clinician completed each appt when)

How do I view completed bookings?

Click on ‘Completed bookings’ (highlighted below).

In this tab, you can view all assessments that have been either completed, cancelled or withdrawn. The ‘status’ column will show you the assessment outcome.

If you want to view the history of a completed booking, hover your mouse over the booking status.

How can I export the completed data?

Adjusting the date range using the filter in the top right corner will update the data shown in the table. The data shown in this tab is all exportable to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the ‘export data’ button. This will then download to your device.

Health data is sensitive and should be handled as such. We recommend keeping the data in the system wherever possible to prevent insecure storage or transfer of sensitive candidate/employee data.

How can I edit a completed assessment?

There may be times when an assessment needs to be edited, be advised that the platform 
will only allow you to edit an assessment once. Once an assessment is complete, open up 
the clinical dashboard, then click open the closed work items tab. Search for the 
candidate/employee that requires editing and then click the arrow button underneath the 
actions column and then click edit.

This message will pop up as a warning to ensure you are wanting to open and edit the 
assessment. Click yes to proceed.