What is the confirmed bookings tab for providers?

Confirmed Bookings

Once a booking has been scheduled, it will move to the Confirmed Bookings tab.

From this tab, there are a number of actions you can take:
  • Reschedule bookings
  • Update a booking as Did Not Attend, Late Cancelled, Rejected or Withdrawn (collectively known as "Appointment Actions")
  • View candidate contact details
  • Send Missed Call SMS to a candidate
  • View all notifications sent for a particular candidate

Rescheduling bookings

To reschedule a booking:

  1. Click Reschedule and adjust the clinic, date and appointment time details as required.
  2. Once updated, click the save icon.


Appointment Actions

To update the appointment:

  1. Click on the down arrow next to Reschedule to display further menu options, including "Appointment Actions".
  2. Here you are able to indicate whether a candidate/employee did not attend an appointment (DNA), cancelled the appointment late (within 24h of appt time) or reject the booking request. All of these actions will send the booking back to the client to address. 

Candidate Actions

Under this menu, you are able to:

  • Advance bookings – This allows you to advance the assessment to its next block - in other words, force complete the current step. This option is only available to users with the right permissions and should be used with caution. Once an assessment has been advanced, it cannot be reverted back. 
  • View contact details - Need to contact an employee/candidate? Find their phone number and email address here.
  • Withdraw - If a candidate advises they are withdrawing from the assessment process, click Withdraw to alert the company and cease further assessment for this candidate.


Notifications Actions

Under this menu, you are able to: 

  • Send a missed call SMS to candidate/employee to notify them who called and to encourage call-backs.
  • View all notifications that have been sent to a particular assessment/candidate - helpful for troubleshooting purposes/candidate accountability.